Carlos Navarrete-Benlloch
After a three-years stage-break, and thanks to the push of friends, I started playing again in late 2015. it was scary to do so without my bandmates, but I ended up enjoying it.
Inspiration came in 2016, and ever since I've spent since most of my efforts composing and presenting live the songs that material that will become my new album:
Recollections in B Minor.
My show contains a set list of up to 2 hours. It features my new compositions (mostly built live with a looping machine) and Versus Five songs played with backing tracks (Burst in Tears on the right is an example). Regular guests join, including Alfonso del Corral (check out the video below!) and Laura Eyselein, a gifted and soulful singer with whom I have composed original material that we just recorded in Berlin.
Overall, the show provides a great balance between genres which keeps the audience at their toes.
Feel free to check the dates of my upcoming shows and enter my youtube channel to hear more music. I am always happy to play new crowds, so I am open for proposals, just email me.

With Laura Eyselein at Strohalm, 2017

Recording with KC Lehner, 2016